Friday, 27 April 2012

1.  Title of the learning material? - Right to Information motivational posters

2.  Key objective of the learning material? - To inform, educate and
communicate to villagers about how RTI can be used as a tool to
address village level problems related to the poor implementation of
government schemes and acts. As a result of using this visual aid at
the field level we hope to promote further discussion about rights and
motivate villagers to independently file RTI.

These posters reference a range of government schemes which have
frequently been questioned in the past by villagers filing RTI in Gram
Vikas project locations. Posters can be selected thematically by field
workers as per the requirement in each village. The enclosed example
attempts to draw attention to the effective functioning of government
schools and the Mid Day Meal Scheme.

3.  What has the material helped to achieve so far? - The posters are
yet to be pilot tested in villages.

4.  Who are the key audiences? - Village elders, village leaders and
members of Village Executive Committees. We hope to print these
posters on large pieces of material visible to large groups of
villagers when assembled at meetings etc. A visual aid such as this
can hopefully be understood by all levels of village society,
regardless of literacy level. There is also the opportunity to
approach enthusiastic village youths and children residing at Gram
Vikas residential schools with these materials.

5 . Next Steps? - To finalize the designs, print the designs and test
the success of the materials by utilizing them at village meetings.

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