Monday, 11 June 2012


How long do you have to live in a foreign country before the inevitable re-entrance into your native culture causes shock?

Is it possible to permanently adopt the more preferable characteristics of a foreign culture into your native psyche and re-enter your native country as an amalgamation of new and old experience; good and bad sentiment?

To what extent can one continue living in a foreign country and learn to completely reject their original culture?

To what extent can exposure to and habitation within an alien culture which is based upon such contrasting values, which are simultaneously universally important, permanently change an individual's vision?

To what extent can anyone uproot their current existence and live constantly in transition, in flux?

Does idealism and open-mindedness inevitably restrict stability or long-term structure which is arguably required for survival?

Does your place of origin truly define your existence and make you individual or is it our personality and views which make us unique?

If an inevitability of life is that it will end, is it not logical and rational thinking to reject all forms of normality and to live one's life truly without borders and boundaries? Is it possible to live free as to one's own personal design?

If politicians and governments control what we can and can't do; what we can and can't say, then how is democracy real or something we should aspire to?

If there was no money, and only exchange of commodity, would there be corruption?

To what extent do we need friends, family and lovers to join us on our journey through life?

Is it possible to live by your own rules or does capitalism and consumerism prohibit an individual's independent thought?

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