I'm actually managing to string together correct sentences now. I'm trying to mix up tenses and quantities of things to force myself into learning more complex conversation. I'm still asked question where I have absolutely nooooo idea what they are talking about though. All in time I suppose :)
Aji sakale mu bahar rasta re chalu thili , au mu bahut mankada dekhilli (Today I walked on the road outside and saw many monkeys!)
I'm speechless. My thoughts go out to the murdered, innocent protesters in Syria today.
Once again, a complete lack of respect for human rights and civil liberties.
Freedom of speech is becoming nothing more than a self proclaimed death wish. Oppress all freedoms through state legitimised violence...yeah that's an easy resolution sure. Shut them up.
These people might never get justice for this. I hope more evidence comes through to criminally convict all concerned aggressors.
I reckon I could make music like this. Recorded an acoustic guitar track last night and attempted some lyrics for the first time...feeling mighty creative. It's weird. I would never have had the head space and inspiration to do anything like this back at home. Matt H, if you are reading this, can I email you the dodgy demo tracks to see what you would recommend? I might upload the track when it's finished. Kinda Zeppelin folky esque. I reckon I could simply get the first part tracked and then add and add and add until it's great.
I might write a riff to play in the villages for Gram Vikas too. Guitars seem to really hold people's attention here so maybe worth it?
I also wrote a short story kinda in the style of Quentin Tarantino where the plot-line spontaneously shifts to the other character's tale so multiple stories run in parallel before meeting for the climatic finale. There are two criminals just released from jail enjoying their freedom again, an innocent Pawnbroker guy living in the Bronx amongst warring drug dealing gangs and a spoilt teenager getting used to homeless life after deciding to quit his job and run away from his family. So all set in America. I think I was thinking about The Wire whilst scribbling words so that's kinda a bit where this is coming from. I'm thinking about the film Sin City too..dirty grimey urban landscape with seedy goings on. I might just pass it over to Nick so he can destroy any creativity with comic flare....
Thats from the last record - Mirrors. The vocalist (if you can call him that) has now left and the track below is their new output. I'm still a bit indifferent to the new stuff, doesn't have the same punch. Cool album artwork though. It makes me want to touch my monitor screen!
Apparently they are putting up advertising billboards with the image minus the band's name and album title. This seems like a massvie missed opportunity to me. But then again what do I know about marketing...oh hang on I do know about that...thanks WK. Anyway, enjoy the new track below. Tis' a grower.
Back to getting into the complexities of the RTI act. It feels good to have an action plan together and to have the help of Mr. Patnaik who is a really passionate former GV employee and RTI advocate. Stuff is coming along well I feel :) Despite a few setbacks, I am still in love with Ganjam, GV, the rolling hills and people's genuine kindness and concern. I mean, it could be a lot different.
Drum roll...
I think I annoy people with my optimism and enthusiasm which can be easily perceived as naïvitiy, especially in India. I'm becoming ever the realist nowadays and my problem is that today's global 'reality' is just so absurd . 9,000 dead in Japan, a psychopath in Libya starting the next war, innocent protesters and poverty stricken indigenous populations struck down by violent and corrupt governments and monetary domination. If that is realism, it needs to change now and everyone needs to rethink their stance. What does apathy and the 'oh its fine it's not happening to me' attitude achieve? Well, nothing really. If the dinosaurs managed to survive, via evolution, for over 160 million years on this little rock, we have managed for 3 million. Just 3 million years! And that includes numerous wars we barley managed to survive through.
Can evolution of the mind lead to social revolution of the common man? Sounds good to me if possible. So when is the next Gandhi coming along?
Venting my somewhat random flow of thought its actually quite liberating :)
Is this the way? RTI (Right to Information) what I am currently working on here.
An excellent case study is linked below and something I have really learnt from. I just hope when I go into the villages I can work in a team like these guys have...a powerful presence and as ever, knowledge is power.
I love how music can be used to really rally people behind a vision and movement. It seems to be a common theme in each video part. Kids screaming their lungs out.
Enjoy the case studies: Part 1 - 3 below.
I wonder if anyone actually reads this blog....ah well. It's good to share my thoughts even if it is purely reflective.
So as the heat sets in, I'm trying to pay as much attention as possible to what I eat and drink. It was 30 today but I can see it slowly creeping upto 35 from this website: http://www.timeanddate.com/weather/india/berhampur
Coming to think of it, I'm sure its warmer than that here...anyway!
Yesterday I drank the water from a coconut (there are different varieties of mango tree, coconuts and papaya growing on the campus) and that made me feel grand. Imagine the taste of one of those oral rehydration solutions in water and make it sweeter and most likely more effective! Obviously litre after litre of water is a good option too. Today, however, I tried a new type of rice popular in Orissa and other parts of India:
It's also referred to as water rice and it's really a different deal. You have to squeeze out the water back into the bowl you get it served in and then eat the rice down. It tasted quite alcoholic but in a sweet, sticky way.
It's meant to help you relax in the summer heat and also promotes great sleep. Simple solutions to everyday problems. This, I like about India...shame this doesn't apply to other areas of society :( Anyway, back to correcting Mr. Pattnaik's financial manual.
Tonight I plan to go with good friend Donald to do a bit of stargazing...if it's a clear night it's more than a sight. If anyone knows much about star constellations and the best way of capturing it on camera, please leave me a comment! :)
Fever Ray soundtracking the new Red Riding Hood film - which I expect, by the music, will be a rather twisted affair...... all good in my book! Enjoy the music.
I'll gradually get round to summarising, somehow, my first 3-4 months in India! One key describing word for now though would be: incredible. I think I might simply go for the photos with commentary approach first :) Love to all.