Is this the way? RTI (Right to Information) what I am currently working on here.
An excellent case study is linked below and something I have really learnt from. I just hope when I go into the villages I can work in a team like these guys have...a powerful presence and as ever, knowledge is power.
I love how music can be used to really rally people behind a vision and movement. It seems to be a common theme in each video part. Kids screaming their lungs out.
Enjoy the case studies: Part 1 - 3 below.
I wonder if anyone actually reads this blog....ah well. It's good to share my thoughts even if it is purely reflective.
Love to all
An excellent case study is linked below and something I have really learnt from. I just hope when I go into the villages I can work in a team like these guys have...a powerful presence and as ever, knowledge is power.
I love how music can be used to really rally people behind a vision and movement. It seems to be a common theme in each video part. Kids screaming their lungs out.
Enjoy the case studies: Part 1 - 3 below.
I wonder if anyone actually reads this blog....ah well. It's good to share my thoughts even if it is purely reflective.
Love to all
Looking good mate