Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Mental battles...

Thats from the last record - Mirrors. The vocalist (if you can call him that) has now left and the track below is their new output. I'm still a bit indifferent to the new stuff, doesn't have the same punch. Cool album artwork though. It makes me want to touch my monitor screen!

Apparently they are putting up advertising billboards with the image minus the band's name and album title. This seems like a massvie missed opportunity to me. But then again what do I know about marketing...oh hang on I do know about that...thanks WK. Anyway, enjoy the new track below. Tis' a grower.


Back to getting into the complexities of the RTI act. It feels good to have an action plan together and to have the help of Mr. Patnaik who is a really passionate former GV employee and RTI advocate. Stuff is coming along well I feel :) Despite a few setbacks, I am still in love with Ganjam, GV, the rolling hills and people's genuine kindness and concern. I mean, it could be a lot different.

Drum roll...

I think I annoy people with my optimism and enthusiasm which can be easily perceived as naïvitiy, especially in India. I'm becoming ever the realist nowadays and my problem is that today's global 'reality' is just so absurd . 9,000 dead in Japan, a psychopath in Libya starting the next war, innocent protesters and poverty stricken indigenous populations struck down by violent and corrupt governments and monetary domination. If that is realism, it needs to change now and everyone needs to rethink their stance. What does apathy and the 'oh its fine it's not happening to me' attitude achieve? Well, nothing really. If the dinosaurs managed to survive, via evolution, for over 160 million years on this little rock, we have managed for 3 million. Just 3 million years! And that includes numerous wars we barley managed to survive through.

Can evolution of the mind lead to social revolution of the common man? Sounds good to me if possible. So when is the next Gandhi coming along?

Venting my somewhat random flow of thought its actually quite liberating :)

Bring on the backlash..

Love to all

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